Meet Barbara

Hi, I’m Barbara. Welcome to BoomerChiX, a blog for Baby Boomer and GenX women. This blog is about our fitness journey. Whether we are starting out, getting back into shape or trying to maintain an already active lifestyle, we all know that it gets harder as we age. I have been a fitness enthusiast and a fitness professional for many years. I started out teaching aerobic exercise classes in the 80’s (remember the outfits?) on a part time basis while I worked in the health care industry. In 2012, I changed careers and made fitness my full-time profession.

I started this blog because I want other women to benefit from my experiences and knowledge, especially women in and around my age group. I’m certified as a Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Aquatic Exercise Professional and a Tai Chi Easy instructor. I’m also a recent convert to running (road and trail), and I’m here to tell you it’s not too late for you to try something new!

I hope you will find some helpful information in BoomerChiX. Thanks for visiting my site. Be well!

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